The "Right" Decorative Cushion / Throw Pillow - Durability & Maintainance

The "Right" Decorative Cushion / Throw Pillow - Durability & Maintainance

Decorative Cushions or Throw Pillows are a key home decor trend at the moment. Probably because they can easily add colour & patterns to almost any space. In turn scatter cushions give us an affordable and versatile way to update any room making it warm, cozy and inviting. And all this, easily changeable as the seasons change.

Likely due to their popularity, there are so many options when buying throw pillows, especially online. This is great because that gives you ample choice and many ways to create the exact atmosphere you want at home. But amongst the myriad of choices, how do we make sure our choice of decorative cushion covers will last, are easy to maintain and will be practically a good deal? Here I wish to list some tips, which I found useful over the years.


Is the print/pattern on both sides of the decorative cushion?

Many cushions in the market has the print only on one side. If you choose cushions with the print on both sides;

One, It's reversible - you can use both sides of the cushion. For instance, if one side gets a stain, you can easily turn it over and display the other side. Two, cushion covers with the pattern on both sides look more quality and valuable.


Are the throw pillows colourfast? Can they be machine washed?

Few years back, I had bought colourful handmade cushion covers which looked great until the first wash. Washing stripped off all that bright colour from my much loved cushions. For your convenience, it's best to find out if the scatter pillow cases can be machine washed, and if they will retain it's colour post wash.


What material is the throw pillow made of?

Is it cotton, linen, polyester, silk or a blend? Pay attention to if it's a fabric you can iron, is it natural/synthetic. The thickness of the material is also important. The material will give you clues on how durable it will be, if it wrinkles, how easy it is to maintain and how good it will look on your couch... And last but not least, whether it's environmentally friendly.


Where is the zipper?

If the zipper is smack bang in the middle of the cushion back, this easily wipes off any chance of displaying that side. This limits you as there is only one "face" to that cushion. My preference is always a hidden zipper at the bottom which literally just makes the zipper out of site. (unless it's part of the design, we don't need to see the zipper, do we?)


Ruffles and things may look fancy but how would they look after a wash?

Be careful of ruffles, frills and other 3D patterns. They may look great. But if you plan to wash your throw pillow cases, will you have the time to carefully iron those ruffles and things back to it's former glory?

I hope the few tips above will help you in choosing throw pillows/cushion covers that will last you a long while and look great during their time!

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